Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Startling Facts About Fats

Startling facts about fats that may just save your life.

Do you know which fats and or oils are good for you?

Do you know which fats and or oils are bad for you?
Take a look at the ingredient label on any dressing bottle you purchase, at least 99.9% of them and you will find a type of vegetable oil such as: Soy bean, canola, flaxseed, peanut, corn, cottonseed, safflower, grapeseed.
All of these have been highly refined at high temperatures and high pressures with industrial solvents (such as hexane).
Yet we believe because we have been told that these vegetable oils are good for us that they really are. The real truth about them is that in our body they become pro-inflammatory agents due to their unstable fat chains.  They are composed of polyunsaturated fats which are the most highly reactive type of oil i.e. unstable and because of this they are highly oxidative meaning they make free radicals.  If you have more free radical from their metabolism than your body has antioxidants the inflammatory process is the result.  Over time inflammation unchecked is the basis of the most of the common diseases we are plagued with today.
How can this be so?  This lack of understanding about how the body biochemistry is affected by the biochemistry of food and “food products” is a growing body of knowledge.  We are just beginning to tap the miraculous nature of our body and the equally miraculous nature or WHOLE nutritious foods.
What are the best fats /oils to consume?
You may be surprised by this…
Extra Virgin olive oil
Virgin coconut oil
Acocado oil
And even butter (that from grass fed animal contain Vk2, omega 3s. and CLA conjugated linoleic acid) is better than vegetable oil.

Why?  Because these saturated fats are stable chained oils in the body and do not cause free radical metabolism.

So is this turning your world upside down?  Is it blasphemy?

Is it so contrary to what we have been led to believe?

Take a look at our world and what we see is a very unhealthy society of malnourished individuals.

It is unpleasant to think about how to begin to make change.. overwhelming to say the least. 

You can begin with you .. one bite of the apple at a time.. the WHOLE  apple and nothing but the WHOLE apple.

If you would like more of the nitty gritty on this controversial subject you may hear the 2 hours lecture “THE TRUTH ABOUT FAT” by Dr.T.Oren.  

Nutrition?...It's elementary!

A ….. is for APPLE




Every apple contains thousands of antioxidants and phytochemicals ,  all of which work together to interact in thousands upon thousands of  metabolic reactions.  And that’s just the apple.  Cutting edge nutritional science is finding the gold in these simple common vegetables and fruits, the true essence of vital life at the cellular level. 

Nutrients, as we all know are what comes from food.  We also know that toxins are bad things and we sure don’t want any of them.  The problem is we don’t always know what is truly nutrient and we don’t always, and most often, don’t recognize the toxins.

This lack of knowledge of the vital essence of WHOLE foods is the root problem in a society of malnourished individuals where obesity is epidemic.

Epigenetics is another growing area of science which describes cellular activity.  The word epigenetic means on top of the gene.  These epigenes work to effect the gene in either a positive way or negative way.  The positive action is cellular repair, or what we can call healing.  Negative actions, called mutations, can be any of the precursors to disease development. The most recognized initial negative action is called “inflammation”, or the inflammatory process. 

 Dr. Walter Willet of the Harvard school of nutrition and public health has stated that 90% of diseases are nutrition related.  It follows then that changes in the foundations of nutrition can lead to elimination of many diseases by putting the body in an environment that allow it to heal itself  as it was created to do given half a chance.  Hippocrates stated over two thousand years ago, “Body”, heal thyself”.  Hippocrates, is accepted by today’s medical profession as the father of medicine. This does not seem evident in the current practice of medicine where the three modalities used are drugs, surgery or chemo-radiation therapies.  The statement made by Hippocrates “Let medicine be thy food and let food be thy medicine” is not a current day treatment modality.  

Let it be understood that nutrition is the true determinant of health.